Бukva. online russian language school
Бukva’ s teachers
Imagine yourself telling your teacher everything… in Russian.

The owner and founder of the creative online space Bukva is a university diploma philologist, a coach, specialising in teaching Russian as a foreign language.

More about Ksenija…
Ksenija was born in Khabarovsk- the Far Eastern Russian city, situated at a distance of 8 km to the Russian-Chinese border.
You can only imagine how far Russia stretches… And – what Russia ! After finishing the philology school of the Pacific National University Ksenija arrived in Croatia where started to work as a teacher of the Russian language as a foreign in the center of foreign languages.
For more than 8 years of work she’s gained deep knowledge of different methodics of teaching Russian as a foreign language. She has a great experience of preparing students for passing the exams of Russian as a foreign language, according to TORFL (TRKI) standards.
Among numerous programs and trainings that Ksenija has passed one can name in particular – “Thinking approach” (Riga, Latvia).
Then she spent 1,5 years in the United States where she upgraded her skills in teaching and studying modern methodics of teaching Russian as foreign language to English-speaking students.
Ksenija is constantly working on professional development. At the beginning of 2022, she obtained an additional qualification “Professor of Russian as a Foreign Language” at Moscow State University.

Certificates & Diplomas
Teacher of Russian as Foreign Language
Methods of Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language / MGU Russian – Russian language Centre 2022.